Well, I had to do this post because I have been absolutely amazed by the number  and variety of birds coming to the feeders and, more importantly, to the water at El Pedregal.  Today, I counted 57 species in an hour and a half and below are photos of some of them.  The biggy was the Calliope Hummingbird that is a first for El Pedregal and suprisingly was not listed on the "ebird" site for Sonora!  It was around first thing this morning and was still here when I went out to fill the water features this afternoon.  I can hardly wait to see what is here tomorrow! 

 Below are some of the better shots of  the morning

Calliope Hummingbird

Blue Mockingbird

Elegant Euphonia

The Elegant pair!

Bullock's Oriole

Brown-crested Flycatcher

Yellow-breasted Chat

The orioles sure love those oranges!

Social Flycatcher

Sinaloa Wren


Plain-capped Starthroat


Nashville Warbler

Hooded - One of four species of orioles this morning

Green-tailed Towhee


Curve-billed hrasher


White-tipped Dove


Lots of White-crowned Sparrrows coming through

Varied Bunting

Gila Woodpecker

Not a great shot, but you can tell it is a Yellow Grosbeak

Black-throated Magpie-Jay
Black-throated Magpie-Jay
Elegant Euphonia in the pond!

Black-vented Oriole